How to Architect your Minimalist Wardrobe
Last week, I walked you through step two of our Minimalist Wardrobe Workbook which is the dreaded (but so fulfilling, no?) closet audit. How did that go?
I'm fully expecting that most people get stuck at this point. Auditing your closet takes an immense amount of mental (and physical) energy. If you haven't done this step yet, put a date in your calendar right now on which you'll dig in.
If you're caught up on the workbook, you've also created your dream 'uniforms' through that process too.Through that process, you may have realized that you are missing a few key items that will round out the wardrobe of your dreams.
The last section of the workbook is creating a list of the 10 items you need. The final step in architecting your minimalist wardrobe.
For the true minimalists, this is 10 items you need.
How to Architect your Minimalist Wardrobe
In this week's post, I'm going to show you my process of creating that 10 items list, and also some of our favourite resources (stores, blogs, books) for crafting a minimalist wardrobe.
It's not enough to just have a minimalist closet. It's important to take it one step further and fill that closet with only high quality, high-vibe clothing. Buying a $6 t-shirt that you'll have to toss at the end of the season totally defeats the purpose of having a curated closet. It's not curated if it's constantly a revolving door of fast fashion crap.
The first step of this is to make sure you've done step two - finished your closet audit and created your dream uniforms.
Now, it's time to fill the gaps (if there are any) in your dream minimalist wardrobe.
Create your 10 Things I Need List

Take a look at your dream outfits and the closet audit results and ask yourself these questions:
Are there any items that are overly worn and need to be replaced?
These are things that are classic items but may be worn, pilling, stretched, or stained. Think about that classic white tee. If you wear it a lot, but it looks awful, you'll want to upgrade that item. Add it to the list.
Are there any items that I'm missing that would add or amplify my wardrobe utility?
Looking at your dream uniforms, and overall closet, are there any items missing that would allow you to create MORE outfits out of your existing pieces? I'm not talking about that floral pair of jeans, but classic, everlasting and timeless items.
For example, you've got a couple of winter jackets, but none of them are dressy. Or, perhaps you have 5 pairs of blue jeans, but no pair of black jeans. Or you have all pants, and no skirts. Think of key items that when interchanged into existing outfits they can change the look, style, or appropriateness of the style.
Are there any items that don't fit?
Up until I was 35, I was the same weight that I was in college. Then, all of a sudden my whole wardrobe was tight. It's totally normal to go through seasons with your shape and body. There's no sense in keeping items in your wardrobe that don't fit (unless they are heirlooms or egregiously expensive - see our previous post for more on that).
If you have a pair of black skinny jeans, but they're too small and you never wear them, hence your outfits combinations are reduced, then you need to replace them with ones that fit you right now.
Are there any items that could up your style or make you feel more like you?
This last question is the most dangerous as it leaves much open for interpretation. Shopping is a very emotional experience for many of us. Some of us (myself included at one point), used to use it as a way to relieve stress.
If you're in a different season of your life, or perhaps you feel like you're due for a style reinvention of sorts, then this category is for you. Maybe you want to try wearing a moto jacket, or trade in your heels for flats. Whatever it is, this is a good question to ask if you're feeling restless or like you're in need for a personal style pivot.
Based on your responses above, work to create your 10 things you need list.
If you're committing to making it ONLY 10 things you buy in 2017, great.
If not, no pressure, but try to think when you are purchasing new things for your wardrobe in the mindset that everything you buy is additive, and in my opinion, it's one in, one out (after your 10 items!).
Resources for Creating a Minimalist Wardrobe
I think our minimalist wardrobe workbook is pretty awesome but I've compiled a few of our fav Encircled pieces, blogs, books and brands for shopping ethical, sustainable and for capsule wardrobe essentials.
If you haven't already grabbed your copy, get it now when you sign up.
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A community for women who love to travel. Click here to request access to our private facebook group.
Questions? Comments? I'd love to connect. Leave them in the comments below. I'd love to see how you're progressing with step three of the minimalist wardrobe workbook.
I also welcome you to post your fav links to ethical brands, blogs and books below so we can all share and grow together.
With gratitude,
KristiFounder + CEO, Encircled
All photos are copyright Encircled. Contact us for permissions/rights to re-use or repost images.
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