Get back on track with your New Years' Resolutions
Have your New Year's Resolutions fallen off track?
So, Let's Begin Again with those NYRs
Dig out that list you so eagerly created on January 1st, and take a good look at it.
Some things to consider:
- What have you done so far to achieve the things on the list?
- Are you taking on too much?
- Are your timelines reasonable?
- Are these really YOUR New Year's Resolutions or a reflection of someone else's expectations?
- Will achieving any of these make you feel brighter? Happier? At Peace? Grateful?
- Which resolution will have a positive impact on the world?
If you're having trouble answering any of these questions, it may be a good time to revise your NYRs.
To help you, I created a template that you can print off at home or work, and re-write your NYRs.
{ Just click the image to open in a new window, and save as a PDF! }
There is no shame in pivoting your NYRs. Seriously.
All of the top performing companies, and business people adjust their strategy, transform their brand, or change their business model as needed. This could be you. You are pivoting.
So now, dish...
What's one NYR you are dropping right now?
Share in the comments below!
With virtual cheers,
Chief Fashionpreneur, encircled
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